Hi there, my name is Amanda Kay,
and I am a curve model & body positive advocate


Listen to your body, learn and thrive!

Self-love has always been my main focus and through curve modelling, I have been given a platform to encourage women of all ages to embrace who they are.

As a young girl, I never thought modelling was in the cards for me. I always stood out as being the tallest and biggest and just overall different. And on top of that, no one that looked like me ever graced magazine covers or were admired. With a shift in society’s acceptance, I was able to start on this path and it has been nothing but a dream. I can’t wait to see where it takes me next!

I love that I am given a platform to reach out to other women and men to encourage them to just embrace and love yourself no matter what anyone says. You should always be your biggest fan and that thought has definitely gotten me through some tough times.

Love what you see? That’s great! Send me a message and let’s create some magic together!

You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.

Louise Hay